Tips To Avoid Being An April Fool (Again)

If you fell victim to a sinister April Fool’s prank, there is no judgment here. It happens to the best of us. Your mind may have moved on to vengeance and how you can best get the perpetrator of the prank to pay the price.

However, the response is almost never as good as the original prank. More practically, you should be thinking of what you can do to not look like a fool again. After all, one ego can only take so much bruising.

We happen to think that the best way to avoid feeling like a fool is to be smarter than the average bear and save some plumbing money. We have some excellent tips to help you save money this Spring and get some foolish feeling deja vu.

Tip #1: Collect Rain Water

rainwaterWe swear, this isn’t another April Fool’s Day joke, this is totally serious. It may sound silly, but collecting rainwater can seriously cut down on your water usage, all while collecting what nature gives you anyway.

Simple setups can just start by putting a small barrel outside to collect the rain but the setups can get more elaborate as well.

There are DIY solutions you can put together and a quick search on Amazon will show you plenty of products ready to help you harvest nature’s free water. However you do it, the savings are actually twofold: it can cut your water usage and monthly utility bill as well as reducing the wear and tear on your pipes. It’s a win-win.

Tip #2: Schedule Regular Plumbing Maintenance

plumbingmaintenanceOur plumbing systems are some of the most essential systems to our house and yet they are often neglected.

Just like our bodies, our pipes can use a regular checkup to make sure everything is working properly.

Identifying potential issues before they pop up or catching problems early can save you a ton of money in the long run.

Basic plumbing maintenance is simple and inexpensive but can definitely avoid you a major headache in the long run.

Tip #3: Don’t Turn Down Free Money

savemoneyThis one may seem obvious but plenty of people wind up doing it anyway. We have a ton of special coupons that rotate seasonally on our website.

If you don’t head over to that part of the website and check if there is a way for you to save money, you can be leaving money on the table and there is nothing to make you feel more like an April Fool than that.

While April Fool’s should be all about fun (even if it is at your expense), at Rooter MD Plumbing LLC, we take our job very seriously. Our professionals are devoted to your satisfaction with safe and accurate solutions, offering you complete peace of mind.

If you’d like to speak to one our experts and schedule some routine plumbing maintenance, you can reach us at (248) 888-7777 and we’ll be happy to help. You’ll feel much better if you know your plumbing health is in our hands.

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